Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

April 4, 2024

Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol is a UM System-wide event in Jefferson City that demonstrates the unique opportunities students have to participate with faculty in undergraduate research at the University of Missouri.

Selection of Undergraduate ambassadors is based on geographical distribution, the relevance of the project to the state of Missouri and the overall quality of the project. Invitations are made by the Office of Academic Support during the fall semester.

Students are invited to assemble in the capitol building rotunda in Jefferson City to display research posters and to speak with legislators about their research and how it is significant in addressing the needs of society. The University of Missouri System is seeking nominations from faculty members for undergraduates to serve as Ambassadors to share their university research experiences with state lawmakers in Jefferson City for Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol during spring semester 2024.

  • Nomination Form – CLOSED
  • What is asked on the FORM?
  • Research Support
  • Previous Events
  • 2024 Missouri S&T Student Ambassadors

Nomination Form – CLOSED

Research Day at the Capitol is April 4, 2024 and nominations are OPEN

Click Here for the Online Nomination Form 
(nomination form must be filled out & submitted by research advisor)

Nominations due December 1, 2023

What is asked on the FORM?

Part 1: Faculty Mentor/Nominator

  • Name
  • Department
  • S&T Email Address
  • Campus Address

Part 2: Student/Nominee Information

  • Name
  • Student ID #
  • Major
  • Year in School
  • Rolla Address
  • S&T Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Parents' Names and Full Address (MUST be permanent residence in Missouri)

Part 3: Project Information

  • Research Project Title
  • Funding Source
  • Briefly explain, in simple terms, why this project is important and/or relevant to the state of Missouri
  • Short Abstract of project
  • 3rd Person BIO (2-3 sentences)

Research Support

Logos          Poster Guidelines          Poster Sample          Poster Templates

The Writing and Communication Center is a tremendous source for feedback and assistance for your research presentations. The Writing Center can help you with your speech and poster at any stage of your process: brainstorming to polishing and more. Please visit their website for more information: https://writingcenter.mst.edu/  You can also email them at writing@mst.edu.

The OURE program encourages students to seek research support at the Curtis Laws Wilson Library (https://library.mst.edu/). Research librarians are available to help applicants conduct research in any subject area. Please schedule an appointment at https://library.mst.edu/forms/researchassistancerequestform/.

Previous Events

2024 Abstract Book          Student Ambassadors Videos          News Release          Photos
Abstract Book          Student Ambassadors Videos          News Release          Photos
Abstract Book          Student Ambassadors Videos          News Release          Photos
2021 Abstract Book          Student Ambassadors Videos          News Release
2020 Cancelled due to COVID
2019 Abstract Book 
2018 Abstract Book
2017 Abstract Book
2016 Abstract Book
2015 Abstract Book
2014 Abstract Book

2024 Missouri S&T Student Ambassadors

2024 Ambassadors

2023 Ambassadors

2023 Capitol Day Ambassadors

2022 Ambassadors

Jefferson City Capitol