Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences

OURE Program Overview - The OURE program has been established to expand opportunities for a more active form of learning by students. To encourage the interaction of undergraduate students with faculty. To expand the level of research activity on campus. To be able to demonstrate that teaching and research are compatible and mutually reinforcing.  In the hopes to help recruit superior students into our graduate program.

Expectations of the OURE Experience - Students participating in the OURE program should experience a foundational understanding of how research is conducted in their disciplines and to have a greater understanding of the information resources available and how to utilize these resources. How to interpret research outcomes and learn the fundamentals of experimental design.

  • Application, Instructions and Qualifications
  • Budget
  • Report Guidelines
  • What is asked on the OURE form?
  • Research Support
  • Testimonial

Application, Instructions and Qualifications

Read Instructions Below Carefully  - Closes May 1st - Click Here For Application

  • Previous OURE participants are eligible
  • Interested students should contact an OURE Departmental Coordinator
  • Late applications will not be accepted

*Projects start at the beginning of Fall Semester and end at the conclusion of Spring semester each Academic Year

Each participant and faculty sponsor is to:

  • Discuss their project
  • Come to an agreement
  • A cumulative grade point of 2.50 is required to participate in this program
  • Student must be a full time student with a least 12 credit hours per semester
  • Submit the completed application

*The faculty sponsor agrees to supervise the work and certifies the educational value of the proposed project


OURE Students

  • Will be awarded a scholarship of $1000.00
      ~Payments will be offered in two installments 
      ~1st payment will be in December ($250)
         --- Upon research adviser confirmation of working 
      ~2nd payment in May upon submission of the final report & reflections due April 3 ($750)
         --- Approved by their research adviser

*Note for International Students Regarding OURE Payments:
Generally, a foreign person is subject to U.S. tax on its U.S. source income.  Most types of U.S. source income received by a foreign person are subject to U.S. tax of 30%.  A reduced rate, including exemption, may apply if there is a tax treaty between the foreign person's country of residence and the United States.  The tax is generally withheld (NRA withholding) from the payment made to the foreign person.  The term NRA withholding is used in this area descriptively to refer to withholding required under sections 1441, 1442, and 1443 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Generally, NRA withholding describes the withholding regime that requires 30% withholding on a payment of U.S. source income and the filing of Form 1042 and related Form 1042-S.  Payments to all foreign persons, including nonresident alien individuals, foreign entities and governments, may be subject to NRA withholding.

Report Guidelines

Example Reflection

Arts and Humanities 2024-2025

Engineering, Sciences and Social Sciences 2024-2025

Each funded project must provide a final report and reflection
Research adviser must submit approved final report & reflection electronically by April 1 to Dedie at byfieldr@mst.edu

What is asked on the OURE form?

(section 1)
Student must have research advisor approval to submit application, there are 5 sections in the form

(section 2) Student Information 
First and Last Name, Id Number, S&T Email, GPA, Department, Will you graduate FS, Will you be a full time student both semesters

(section 3) Research advisor Information
First and Last Name, S&T Email, Department

(section 4) Research Project Information
Is this a Group Project, List Other Participants, Project Title, Short OURE abstract, Description of students role

(section 5)
Offer Letter, Scholarship, and Final Report Information

Research Support

The Writing and Communication Center is a tremendous source for feedback and assistance about your OURE reports and reflections. From brainstorming to polishing, the Writing Center can help you at any stage of your writing process. Please visit their website for more information: https://writingcenter.mst.edu/  You can also email them at writing@mst.edu.

The OURE program encourages students to seek research support at the Curtis Laws Wilson Library (https://library.mst.edu/). Research librarians are available to help applicants conduct research in any subject area. Please schedule an appointment at https://library.mst.edu/forms/researchassistancerequestform/.


S&T graduate reflects on her research adventure and imminent career

In one of the world’s oldest tropical rainforests, Lilly Germerotha 2020 Missouri S&T graduate in biological sciences, says she experienced a eureka moment while conducting research last summer.

“My research experience in Malaysian Borneo helped me realize my passion for studying ecosystems and largely defined my scientific career,” says Germeroth. “And engaging in research that involved agriculture, community ecology, conservation and cultural literacy — from the initial planning, through the field surveys, to preparing a manuscript — allowed me to grow exponentially as an early career scientist.”

Read More

OURE Departmental Coordinators

Department Coordinator Email Phone Address
Arts, Languages & Philosophy Courtney Webster webstercour@mst.edu 4869 222 Castleman Hall
Biological Sciences Katie Shannon shannonk@mst.edu 6336 231 Schrenk Hall
Business & Information Technology Bih-Ru Lea leabi@mst.edu 6436 102A Fulton Hall
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Jee-Ching Wang jcwang@mst.edu 6705 210H Bertelsmeyer Hall
Chemistry Risheng Wang wangri@mst.edu 7729 227 Schrenk Hall
Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering Jianmin Wang wangjia@mst.edu 7503 223 Civil Engineering      
Computer Science Patrick Taylor taylor@mst.edu 7717 341 Comp Science
Earth Sciences & Engineering 
John Hogan jhogan@mst.edu 4618 125 McNutt Hall
Economics Mahelet Fikru fikruma@mst.edu 6495 101 Harris Hall
Education Beth Kania-Gosche       bkaniagosche@mst.edu       4120       214 Centennial Hall
Electrical & Computer Engineering Kristen Donnell kmdgfd@mst.edu 6229 216 Emerson Hall
Engineering Management & Systems Engineering Joan Schuman schumanj@mst.edu 6112 223 Engr. Mgmt
English & Technical Communication Eric Bryan bryane@mst.edu 4622 221 HSS
History & Political Science Tseggai Isaac tseggai@mst.edu 4805 121 HSS
Materials Science & Engineering Michael Moats moatsm@mst.edu 6974 222 McNutt Hall
Matt Insall
Robert Paige
214 Rolla Building
301 Rolla Building
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Jonghyun Park parkjonghy@mst.edu  4699 127 Toomey Hall
Mining & Explosives Engineering
Catherine Johnson johnsonce@mst.edu 4258 326 McNutt Hall
Nuclear Engineering & Radiation Science Syed Alam alams@mst.edu 4881 228 Fulton Hall
Physics Alexey Yamilov yamilov@mst.edu 6793 102 Physics
Psychological Science Matthew Ng mnn92@mst.edu 4937 136 HSS
updated 2/04/2021

Project Titles for 2023-2024
3D Printing of Concrete with Vibration through Granular Physics
A Method For Treating Certain Cancers Using Radioactive Nanoparticles
Accessing the Production and Feasibility of a Modern Biofuel Reactor
Alternative Materials for pistol and rifle cartridges.
Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors with high crystallization temperature for CMOS applications
Analysis of 1,4-Dioxane in Plants for advanced applications of phytoforensics
Analysis of Detonator Efficiency in Initiating Sheet Explosive Based on the Fragmentation Energy
Antibacterial Properties of Bioactive Materials
Assessment of soil development indicators after revegetation of highly degraded mine tailings
Binary Addition/Subtraction Emulator for K-12 Education
Biochemical Reactors for Metal Removal
Bioremediation of nutrient pollution in urban ponds
Building the USSR: State Feminism during the New Economic Policy (1921-1932)
Change of material properties over the radiation
Characterizing High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete for 3D Printing
Comparison of Laboratory grade Mesoporous Bioactive Glass to a Production Batch
Consumption trends
Correlation of the Nanomorphology of Aerogels to their Drug Uptake and Release Profiles
Cost Effective Synthesis of LFP
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Electric Cars in the Kansas City Area
Curve Ball Bullet
Cytokinesis & Dbf2
Data Analysis for Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory
Deconstructed 555 Timer and Application Circuits for Interactive Educational Experiences
Deep Learning for Skin Lesion Structure Assessment
Deep Spiking Neural Networks
Density fluctuation measurements in supersonic flow
Design and Development of an Elbow Exoskeleton for Intuitive and Comfortable Human-Machine Interaction
Design of FPGA Development Board I/O Expansion Daughter Board(s)
Developing a Database for Individual Outputs of WormPop
Developing a Database for Individual Outputs of WormPop
Developing Computational Model of Competitive C. Elegans Population Dynamics
Developing Hamiltonian Simulation Algorithm
Development of Force Perturbation Handle for Physical Interaction Research in Humans
Development of superconducting circuit-based qubits
Discrete Electronic Design of a Guitar Pedal
Disrupting Dephosphorylation of Iqg1 in Budding Yeast
Drosophila Sleep Modeling Project
Eating Color: The Importance of Food and How it Looks
Eavesdropping on the Microbial World: Quorum Sensing in Plant Microbe Interactions
Economic Policies For Low Carbon Technologies
Educational Display of Wireless Power Transfer
Effects of Ally Confrontation on Target Outcomes
Enhanced Bioremediation of Mine Tailings
Evaluating wildland firefighter dispatcher operational errors
Evaporative Cooling
Exploring STEM Barriers for Rural Students: Perceptions from Caucasian and
African American High School Students
Feeding C. Elegans: are indigenous bacteria preferred over E. Coli?
Fire dispatch cognition analysis
From Medical Necessity to Fad: A History of the Gluten-Free Diet
Fungal communities and stress streams
Gas Separation due to Adsorptive Materials
Ground states of rare earth metal digermanides.
Hamiltonian Simulation
Hemipteran and Coleopteran diversity at Fort Leonard Wood
Hybrid (Additive and Subtractive)
Hymenopteran Diversity at Fort Leonard Wood
Hysteresis Loops in 3D Color-Space of Oscillating Reactions: Exploration of Generality and Mechanistic Interpretation
Identifying genes expressed with biological aging
Implementing Gripper System With Drone
Improve labeling-efficiency of neural network models
Improving Gamma Ray Detection with Interferometry
Improving Wind Tunnel Performance with Machine Learning
Industrial Methanol Production Evaluated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation
Interactive building anatomy modeling for experiential building construction education
Interactive Building Modeling for Experiential Architectural Engineering Education
Investigating the Impact of Environmental Policies in the Energy Sectors
Investigating the Potential of Blended Feedstocks for Biofuel Production via Pyrolysis Process
Ionizable Lipid Nanoparticles Characterization for Gene Delivery
Irradiation disorder effects on magnetic Weyl semimetal
Isotropic versus Anisotropic Strength in Concrete 3D Printing Based on Nozzle Cross-Section Geometry
Low Form-Factor Wind Power Turbine
Machine Learning Circuit Component Recognition
Magnetic Properties of Materials via Classical Molecular Dynamics
Microwave Materials Characterization for Reduced Carbon Footprint Geopolymer Concrete
Missouri S&T Satellite Research Team - M3
Missouri S&T Supersonic Wind Tunnel Flow Characterization
Modeling climate resilience of rural populations in Missouri
Modeling Fairness Preferences Across Diverse Stakeholders in Kidney Placement
M-SAT Research in Cislunar Nanosatellite Applications for Search and Rescue
Music and Autobiographical Memory Across the Lifespan
Nanoparticle Removal of Endotoxins
Neutron Doping of Silicon
NMR Relaxometry as Performance Measure of Aging Asphalt
Novel Supercritical Biodiesel Plant Design and Process Scale Up
Optical Analysis of Ultracold Atomic Samples
P. pacificus and aggressive behaviors
Passive Intermodulation Effects On RF Desense In Cellphones
Phylogeography of the Bigmouth shiner, Notropis dorsalis, using nuclear gene loci
Pollution Prevention Research
Power and Systems
Powering the Future: A Comprehensive Review on the Economic and Technological Impact of EV Extreme Fast Charging
Research and Improvement of a Metal Additive Manufacturing Process
Research Experience in Computational Hypersonics
Research of Semi-Autonomous Loader and Shovel Operations
Role of native mycorrhizal fungi to facilitate establishment of compatible prairie plants on mine waste
Scalable Algorithms to counter persistent threats for large Cyber Deception Games
Searching for the Magnetic Signature​ of the Liquid-Solid Phase Transition in Metals
Simulations of Hamiltonian Evolution Over Time Using Quantum Computation
Sleep Analysis of Drosophila
Sleep Biology Fly Project
Small scale demonstration of the automation engineering process
Solving for Tomorrow: A glimpse into drought tolerance in Soybean-Bacteria Symbiosis
Strain Rates and Geodesy of Faults
structural integrity of lattice structures before and after ballistic deformation
Synthesis of Phosphite-based Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries
Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structures of the Unsymmetrical (E,E) 4-halophenyl-1-phenoxy-1,4-dimethylbutadienes
The Current Status of Grand Unified Theories
The Divergent Writer: Outcome-based Writing Instruction for Neurodivergent Students
The Evaluation of DNA Absorption on Carbon Felt Electrode
The Gender Bias in the Billboard Top 100 Charts
The Human Mind
The Potential of Laser Additive Manufacturing Processes
Thermal Conductivity of High Entropy Alloys
Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis(TGA) on Scale During The Heating Process
Towards Understanding Dust Attenuation of Emission Lines with Illustris TNG Galaxies
Tuning physical properties of magnetic Weyl semimetal
Uncertainty quantification of thermal capacitance calorimeter for high-enthalpy flows
Understanding f-electron contributions using Laser Ablation-Equipped,
Chirped Pulse FTMW spectroscopy
Viability of magnetic separation of lunar minerals for mining.
Wireless LEDs