Undergraduate Research Conference

April 10, 2024 in the Havener Center

Missouri University of Science and Technology emphasizes the participation of undergraduates in research through a number of means, including an annual undergraduate research conference. This event provides an opportunity for Missouri S&T undergraduates to showcase their research efforts to the campus community and to the public. All Missouri S&T students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend the Conference.

Guest speaker Mart Berutti will persent "Synthetic Biology to Hallucinating AI … the Critical Role of Missouri S&T Research in a Safer, Sustainable, and Rewarding Future”.

Berutti graduated with a BS in Chemical Engineering in 1984, from University of Missouri Rolla. His career in the process, process automation, and industrial software industry spans almost 40 years, including serving as President of MYNAH Technologies, VP Process Simulation, VP Sales and Marketing, Digital Transformation, VP Software Commercialization, and VP Sales Life Sciences at Emerson. He is currently leading a strategic initiative to scale-up the industrial software business for a consortium of North American companies. Mart also serves on the Academy of Chemical and Biochemical Engineers at Missouri S&T.
RSVP for lunch/reception/awards ceremony

  • 2024 Event
  • Registration is CLOSED
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Judging Criteria
  • Research Support
  • 2024 Posters & Papers
  • Previous Conferences
  • Scholars Mine

2024 Event

The Undergraduate Research Conference is April 10, 2024 in the Havener Center.

Abstract Booklet             Agenda              RSVP for lunch/reception/awards ceremony              Conference Winners               Photos

Registration is CLOSED

Read Instructions Below Carefully - Only one entry per student will be accepted (no Exceptions allowed)
Registration Closed March 1st

Registration Instructions: 

  1. There are 3 sections to fill out in this form
  2. You will be able to click the back arrow in the form to make corrections
  3. After you submit the registration there will be a summary of your responses available for download

Group Projects:

  1. Only one student needs to register for a group project
  2. Make sure you add all your team members information
  3. Only 4 students are allowed per project
  4. All team members must fill out their own abstract

IMPORTANT: If this is a group project, only the student who submits the registration will receive the email conformation.  It will be the responsibility of this student to forward the email confirmation with instructions to each of the additional students in their group in order for everyone in the group to complete their registration by the required deadline.  


4 separate Categories
Posters & Oral Sessions
You will need to print your poster

1 Category
Research Proposals Posters

1. Arts & Humanities
Art's Languages & Philosophy
English  & Technical Communication
History & Political Science
2. Sciences
Biological Sciences
Mathematics & Statistics
3. Social Sciences
Business & Information Technology
Psychological Science
4. Engineering
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
Geosciences & Geological & Petroleum Engineering
Materials Science & Engineering
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Mining & Explosives Engineering
Nuclear Engineering & Radiation Science
Art's, Languages & Philosophy
Biological Sciences
Business & Information Technology
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
English & Technical Communication
Geosciences & Geological & Petroleum Engineering
History & Political Science
Materials Science & Engineering
Mathematics & Statistics
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Mining & Explosives Engineering
Nuclear Engineering & Radiation Science
Psychological Science

Awards Ceremony

There will be a reception with refreshments following the presentations at 3:00pm. The Awards Ceremony will be held at 4:00pm.

First ($500), second ($250) and third ($100) place prizes may be awarded in each category 

*Please note that judges do not have to award all 3 places in each research category

Judging Criteria

Research Proposal
*Missouri S&T faculty will serve as judges for this event, CLICK HERE to sign-up to be a judge.

*Please note that judges do not have to award all 3 places in each research category 

Research Support

The Writing Center is a tremendous source for feedback and assistance for your research proposals and presentations. The Writing Center and Communication can help you with your speech and poster at any stage of your process: brainstorming to polishing and more. Please visit their website for more information: https://writingcenter.mst.edu/  You can also email them at writing@mst.edu.

The OURE program encourages students to seek research support at the Curtis Laws Wilson Library (https://library.mst.edu/). Research librarians are available to help applicants conduct research in any subject area. Please schedule an appointment at https://library.mst.edu/forms/researchassistancerequestform/.

2024 Posters & Papers

Previous Conferences

Scholars Mine

The Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.  This digital repository is a service of Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources.

UGRC Scholars' Mine

Library & Learning Resources Scholars' Mine

Abstract - Due March 6, 2024

 All students must submit their own abstract

  • All participants must include a descriptive abstract to complete their conference registration
  • Abstract must be submitted no later than March 6, 2024 to experientiallearning@mst.edu

    Any modifications to the abstract form format will result in immediate disqualification




USE GOOGLE CHROME TO OPEN ABSTRACT FORM (the form will limit the space allowed to fill out)

Oral Presentation Requirements

  • Submit your abstract to complete the conference registration due March 6
  • Research Paper due April 1
  • Each student will have a 15 minute time slot
    ~ Students are limited to 10 minutes for their oral presentations
    ~ 5 minutes for questions and discussion
    ~ The remaining time will be available for wrap-up and transition
     ~Audio-visual equipment (including laptop, microphone, and projector) available
  • Research papers must be titled using the student’s last name and first initial
    (Example: MinerJ-Paper.pdf)
    Please note: judges do not have to award all 3 places in each research category

Poster Presentation Requirements

  • Submit your abstract to complete the conference registration due March 6
  • Photo of poster (pdf format) due April 5
  • Student must have their poster printed by the conference date
    ~ printing options are available in the poster guidelines
  • Present a poster at the research conference
    ~ Must present at location of their poster during assigned time period
    ~ During this time students are required:
          *To give a brief presentation on their research
          *Answer questions from the judges and conference attendees
  • Poster Samples
  • Poster Templates
  • Logos
    Please note: judges do not have to award all 3 places in each research category